Tuesday, September 7, 2010

After weeks and weeks of play, it was time to show some love to the homestead. So most of this three day weekend was spent swingin' an ax, shoveling dirt, and haulin' rock. 2 x 14 hour days had Molly and I sore as big bad jon. But the reward is a really nice looking (artificial) back yard that is evergreen.

To celebrate, on Monday I relaxed with a 50 mile ride down the coast. Then to the beach lagoon's to rehydrate with mucho cervesas.

And there it is, 3 days down the drain and back to this suck ass job...
As I always say, the only thing worse than working is being unemployed... ay yi yi...

Saturday, May 29, 2010

testing the waters...

studies conclude that alligators are dangerous no matter how drunk you are...

for every winner there are dozens of loosers

odds are you're one of them...